But it’s true!
You don’t really need more than the huge headline:
It’s like being in a closed information loop. The more we talk about the end of traditional media, the more we hear about the end of traditional media.
We’re talking to ourselves, evidently, because viewers — and listeners, because Radio’s doing pretty darn well too, considering how under-funded its product is — are still watching their favorite shows on their big screen TVs.
Yep, sitting right there on the couch, with remote in hand, perfectly satisfied. In fact, watching more TV than ever.
Just as more people are listening to radio today than last year.
You can read all the facts, if you care to, at AdWeek by clicking HERE.
Or you can just look at the lower part of this image. Pay attention to the money.
HBO is making more money than ever, still vastly out-earning Netflix when it comes to profit, and most people now watch Netflix on their big screen TV anyway.
FX has created more original series than the traditional networks. That’s an expensive process, so they must be getting a good return on their investment.
ESPN is a behemoth. Their success has caused both CBS and NBC to start their own 24-hour sports networks. It’s a good time to be a play-by-play guy.
All of which makes the point that when broadcast media provides great original content, content we can’t find anywhere else, people watch, and not on their tiny cell phone screen, unless they’re stuck inside a plane or lecture hall.
Gee, I wonder what would happen if someone invested in radio’s original content rather than slashing budgets more year after year?
Excuse me, I have to wipe the sarcasm off my face…