

When was the last time you lay on a grassy hill and watched the clouds float by?

When was the last time you watched the sun rise above the eastern horizon, pink mist melting into a golden dawn?

When was the last time you sat by a window during a storm, rain falling in sheets, wind straining the roots of trees, thunder booming through the heavens and echoing through your bones?

When was the last time you looked up to a star-filled sky and savored the silence and majesty, breathless with wonder at the sheer immensity of the cosmos?

When was the last time you gave a hug, a real hug, that lasted a whole six seconds?

When was the last time your shoulders un-tensed, jaw unclenched, neck relaxed?

When was the last time your face wore its natural expression?

When was the last time you paused and noticed and took it seriously, as if noticing was your job?

When was the last time you didn’t hear the clocks ticking loudly and failed to consider what stretches beyond today?

When was the last time you were truly and sufficiently grateful for the gifts you were given purely by the circumstance of your birth?

When was the last time you listened to your small, quiet voice, your inner voice, above all the traffic and and noise and ambition?

When was the last time you didn’t hurry through the world but walked slowly and bowed often in deference to others?

When was the last time you smiled uncontrollably, as if there was nothing you could do to stop it?

When was the last time you truly felt alive? Because, as was proven to us again this weekend, life can change forever in an instant.

For me, for many, life is busy, moments scarce. The mind is often occupied with things to which we ascribe more importance than happiness and deep breathing.

Yet all you need is a glimpse of these sweet things.

For in a glimpse, sleeps eternity.




(Inspired by Tommy Dixon)