What’s Killing Our Kids?


If you have children, or grandchildren, I think this will alarm you.

We need to think of solutions, and quickly.

If I drew you a graph that showed the death rate among American kids, you would see a backward check mark: Fewer kids died over the last several decades, thanks to everything from leukemia drugs to bicycle helmets. Then, suddenly, came a reversal.

A chart that shows a decrease in the child mortality rate from 1968 through 2015, followed by an increase from 2019 through 2021.

What is killing our kids?

I don’t think you need a subscription to read THIS, but if you do, let me know and I’ll copy and paste the text.

We need to try to keep politics out of this. I know that’s almost impossible to do today, especially since guns are involved, but if ISIS was killing this many of our children every week, we would unite and find a solution, and so, I’m hopeful.

Feel free to share this massively and contact your Congressional team to offer your personal concern and share ideas if you have them.