What You Learned at the NAB Show


Disclaimer: I did not attend the NAB Radio Show in Chicago.

But on the off-chance that it was like every other NAB Radio Show I’ve attended in the last 20 years, the timing of this post by Edward Boches is perfectly timed.

The idea is to create dynamic tension on panels by having panelists answer 10 questions, in writing, weeks before their appearance. This forces opinions on a scale we’re all familiar with (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree) and when the moderator projects the answers as slides for all to see, the time you spend in the session is almost certain to be a better use of your time than the way it has always been done: polite and boring.

So, if you attended, and you think the NAB might listen to your feedback, maybe you can forward the link to them.

It’s a good thing that attendance was up. Now let’s work on making the actual sessions really engaging, true learning experiences, as opposed to mostly boring rewards for vendors who buy booth and/or ad space.

Just a thought…
