What’s NeXT

A look at the creation of Steve Jobs’ other computer company

I apologize for the quality of this video.

I had never seen it before and it offers a rare glimpse into the mind and leadership style of Steve Jobs.

I see revealed his pure belief in the power of passion for the product.

(How many of the owners, the CEOs, of Radio companies have a real passion for what they hear coming out of the speakers of their stations, and for the image their stations project in the local community?)

I also see Jobs was not a very good listener. He interrupts thoughts he doesn’t want to entertain and manipulates the conversation to move it where he wants it to be.

I see frustration and impatience in Jobs and in his team, and that indicates he was pushing them, uncomfortably, perhaps unreasonably, to deliver more than they are.

And I see evidence of Jobs’ huge ego.

Every great talent and leader I’ve ever known in our business has a very healthy ego. It may, in fact, be necessary to greatness.

I hope you enjoy this: Steve Jobs and NeXT…



*My thanks to Allan Hotlen for making me aware this existed.