But it costs money
Isn’t THIS what Radio should always have done?
I don’t mean asking the account executive, or Promotions Director, to write a spot or come up with a value-added idea.
I mean, having a team of marketing experts on the staff, people who could head the creative team at any of the top agencies in your town.
Real writers, whose only job is writing.
Real production geniuses whose work could stand next to the best national spots you will hear.
Real experts in Social Media, not the weekend guy who also knows how to tweak your website. People who could land jobs at Google or Facebook or Apple.
No, Radio has always taken the path of “least expensive,” and now finds itself in an elevator plummeting in free fall to zero, to free.
But, its not too late to use quality and expertise — real expertise — as your differentiating point.
If Conde Nast and Rolling Stone can manage this, Radio can too.
Who’s got the will, and the wallet, to make it happen?