Radio needs it…
I love Jason Hirschorn.
He is always timely, interesting and provocative.
Like this recent comment about CBS and CEO Leslie Moonves:
“CBS’ Leslie Moonves has always had the right kind of patience with his business. Never racing to have to do the new thing just because. He likes the long ball game.”
“I dig the idea of the new Star Trek being exclusively available on the CBS streaming service. The ‘crown jewels’ as he calls it.”
“Different than television, a subscription service doesn’t program slots that need ratings. If they have a few hits, the overall lift could be huge. It becomes the calling card.”
“Hoping this is the beginning of specific programming for their service. He and his team have been some of the best and most consistent programmers in television and could shift to any screen.”
Coming the same week both iHeartMedia and Cumulus crawled ever closer to bankruptcy with widening losses and plummeting stock value, other Radio heads could use a model other than the slash and burn we’ve grown used to for a couple of decades.
“…a subscription service doesn’t program slots that need ratings.”
Apple gets this. Pandora gets this. NPR gets this.
Why is this so hard for commercial Radio?