One of the world’s favorites
In the 4th of our 5 basic life stories that are universal and offer you an easy template by which to measure your content we look at the “Rags to Riches” Story.
We all love this one, because it’s so hopeful.
Yes, it’s the local Lotto winner. It’s Oprah. It’s The Blind Side.
It’s also the anonymous donor who pays off the mortgage for the family whose dad just died.
It’s the kid from the wrong side of town who wins a scholarship and against all odds becomes the first of his family to get a college degree.
It’s the girl scout in your neighborhood who through ingenuity and diligence finds a way to sell thousands of boxes of cookies…
…or the mom who starts a business at home that ends up succeeding beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.
These stories are all around you, and they are optimistic and affirming, and part of what we all already believe — or used to — about America’s promise.
As with the Love Story, you can’t use Rags to Riches too often.
It always feels good.
Tomorrow, we end the series with The Stranger in a Strange Land.