The Peak

Sehr gut!

If you’ve never been to Zermatt in Switzerland, put it on your bucket list.

Watch this…

the Peak from Christian Mülhauser on Vimeo.

I also highly recommed the Glacier Express, one of the most beautiful train rides in the world. Fly into Zurich and catch the train two levels below the Arrivals floor. Your luggage can be transferred automatically.

Day 1, you climb to Zermatt, at least part of the way on a cog railroad, necessary because of the steepness. Spend the night in Zermatt and enjoy the scenery you see in that video above.

Day 2, a leisurely ride through the Alps into St. Moritz, which is as elegant as you imagine, where you spend the night.

Day 3, the train returns to Zurich.

It’s worth the price!