The Opposite of Weird


This guy and his family seem so normal.

I mean, the exact opposite of weird.

And his daughter, Hope, is very funny too.

Have you seen this?

My wife was not a fan of the George W. Bush presidency.

I always said to her, “But don’t you think he’d be a great neighbor, a great guy to watch a baseball game with?”

I’m not talking about policy.

This guy reminds me of one of my best friends who’s from Wisconsin. The salt of the earth.

A few decades ago, he got tickets for my son, who was about 6 or 7, I think, to go watch a Rockies baseball game.

He joined us.

With his fishing net.

You know, the kind on a pole that you transfer the fish into before it wiggles off the hook. Every foul ball that came anywhere close, Murph snagged, for my son.

We had the best time. He’s just fun to be with, still, to this day.

It’s his enthusiasm for life, for family, for normal things.

This guy in the video would be a great neighbor, IMHO.