I recently finished the third book in the Millennium Trilogy by Steig Larsson, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest.
Honestly, I hadn’t expected to like these books precisely because I heard so much about the first, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
My taste in books, as in films, tends towards the less popular. I thought Dan Brown’s Davinci Code was one of the worst books I read the year it came out. It wasn’t very well written.
And I can’t tell you that these three books by Larsson are literature either, because they certainly aren’t. The dialogue is terribly clunky, for starters.
Still, the main character, Lisbeth Salander, is so interesting, and the stories so engrossing, that I found myself caught up just like millions of other readers. She is a very unique heroine.
There is already a Swedish film version of The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. You can rent it at Netflix.
But this new, English version is the one I want to see. It’s set for Christmas release, December 21…
Even if you’re skeptical, just read the first book. If The Dragon Tattoo doesn’t capture you and entice you into the next two in the series, I’ll be surpriised.