Check ’em out…
- We are all supporting actors.
- Never speak unless your voice is needed to make it better.
- Always save your teammate when s/he is in trouble.
- Believe it or not, your primary responsibility is to support.
- Be prepared. That means getting enough sleep as much as staying mentally engaged.
- Never underestimate or condescend to your listeners. Make yourselves the butt of jokes, not your listeners.
- Trust, and be trust-worthy. You’re part of a team. Let others do what they do best.
- Check your impulses, especially now that time is so closely monitored.
- Know your “out” and stick to it. Don’t be the person that always has to have the final laugh.
- Listen, on and off the air. The smartest person in most rooms is the one who talks the least.
Ok, your turn. What would you add?