If you’re interested…
If you live in a part of the world that hasn’t known war or destruction or real sacrifice during your lifetime…
If you woke up today in a warm bed, with clean sheets, took a hot shower in a private bathroom, with clean towels…
If you brushed your teeth, with a clean toothbrush, and toothpaste, rinsed with clean water into a clean sink…
If you had the luxury of deciding what you would wear from a closet full of clean, warm clothes…
If you had trouble deciding what you would eat for breakfast, filled your cup with hot coffee, and a glass with OJ…
If you got into your car, parked safely in your garage, turned on the seat-heaters and the radio…
If you got caught in rush hour traffic on your way to a job, full time work that doesn’t require great risk or danger…
If your parents are still living, if you have family with shared memories that anchor you when storms rage…
If you and those you love are healthy, if you have dodged cancer and injury and pain…
If you have faith to sustain you during times of incomprehensible loss…
If you have hope that tomorrow can be better, so that you never feel the darkness of isolation and despair…
then you have much for which to be thankful.
We have much for which to be thankful.
And giving has always been the best expression of gratitude.
“If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is ‘Thank you!’ — that would suffice.” ~ Meister Eckhart
There’s a reason it’s not called “Thanks Day.”
Happy Thanks-giving!