

Some traditions mean more than others, but this is a wonderful tribute to the Macy’s Parade…


I am so grateful that I’ve been able to do something most — including me — would hardly call work. What began accidentally became a career, a career that’s taken me all over the world.

I’m so grateful that as a result of earning a living I’ve met the finest minds in Radio, and especially that most of them ended up becoming life-long friends, much, much more than just clients in a business transaction.

I’m grateful these relationships have lasted decades rather than months, that these friendships allowed me to see their children grow up, and their marriages (mostly) evolve and strengthen.

I’m even grateful that we have been able to share our grief over losses, of parents, of co-workers and friends, of beloved pets. Grief shared is an honor, a testament to real friendship and caring.

It’s all been a gift, mostly because of YOU, and because you’ve allowed me into your lives, you’ve allowed us to have a deeper relationship, and so for you, I will always be grateful.