We never stop
I am not glued to my cell phone. (I can hear the peals of laughter from around the world at that sentence.)
I’ve never really liked telephones as a form of communication. Give me face-to-face, or writing. It’s just me.
Pre-Covid, eating out (remember that?!) my wife and I would always remark at couples around us sharing a table while both stayed focused on their phones.
I admit I find myself staring at my small screen when waiting in a doctor’s office or for a meeting to begin.
For me, my phone gives me an excuse not to engage with those around me before I’m ready. It’s a form of hiding for this introvert.
But could that be possible for couples eating out together?
Could it be the reason I still see so many seemingly transfixed by their devices?
Or, is it possible that this restless, constant searching is the hope for connection?
We – humans – need connection to thrive.
We spend our lives looking for someone, anyone, who will love us as we are, validate our feelings and thoughts, and make us feel connected to at least one other.
“You like me! You really, really like me!” That explains everything you need to know about the popularity of Facebook and Twitter.
I believe those listeners that choose you every day have found a connection with you which is irreplaceable and important.
Have you thought about what it is about you, about your radio show, that delivers this sense of connection?
Is it only music, or a game? Is it only because you’ve been in this town, on this station, for decades and you’ve become a comfortable habit, like driving to work the same way day after day?
Or is it because you somehow touch their inner humanity. You say something, often enough, that resonates, that makes them feel you are just like they are: insecure, anxious, hopeful, trying to understand your place and your purpose here?
You make them feel better about themselves. They see a bit of themselves in you.
Imagine if you were able to do that more often, every time you crack the mic…
That’s worth a bit of thought, isn’t it?