“I always wanted to tell you to quit your job.
Negotiate for the salary you deserve.
Stand up for yourself.
Challenge authority.
Tell your rude co-worker to shut up.
Report your boss to everyone and anyone who will listen.
Consult a lawyer.
Did I mention quit your job?
Go back to graduate school.
Leave some deodorant and mouthwash on your smelly co-worker’s desk.
Send that angry email to your undermining colleague.
Call out your boss when he makes a wildly inappropriate comment.
No, your boss should not force you to work out of her kitchen.
Mind your own business about your colleague’s weird hobby. Mind your own business, in general.
Blow the damn whistle on your employer’s cutting corners and putting people’s lives in danger.
Tell the irresponsible dog owner to learn how to properly care for the dog.
No, you don’t owe your employer anything beyond doing your job well in exchange for compensation.”
To read the full NY Times story by Roxanne Gay, “Goodbye, Work Friends” as a free gift article, click HERE.
Now, stand up for yourself!
Quit, and find someone some place, who’ll value you.
(You can thank me later though I will love hearing your story when you’re ready.)