A lesson in customer service
Your station’s clients have never had more choices in how and where they choose to spend their marketing money than they have today.
That’s one of the reasons you should take 60 seconds to check out this article in the July 11 issue of Advertising Age.
Its about the single-minded focus on customer relationships that is the cornerstone of the success of the Ritz-Carlton hotels.
According to their own research, 15% to 20% of their customers come back to the hotel because “of the people working here and the relationships they have with them, not the product.”
As is the case with your station, “…many aspects (of the business), such as marketing, pricing and product can be copied by rivals, but the experience can’t. And it’s the experience that’s most profitable.“
“The experience is what triggers change in customer behavior and that change is pure profit.“
What experience does your station offer clients that they will notice as remarkable?
The very first Service Value of the Ritz-Carlton is: “I build strong relationships and create Ritz-Carlton guests for life.“
Can your station say the same for every contact point your clients have with you?