Nickle Boys


It’s unusual for a really good book to be turned into a really good movie.

It can happen – I’m thinking of The English Patient (it won the Man Booker Award and the film won 9 Academy Awards, including Best Picture) – but it’s pretty rare.

I think that’s because when we read great books we form mental images of the characters and the scenes that don’t match those of the director of the film version.

It’s possible to enjoy both but there’s a reason for the maxim: the movie’s never as good as the book.

Which is one reason I want you to read The Nickle Boys now. It’s a really good book. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 2020, and it’s been made into a film that will be released October 25.

If you see the film first, I think you’re less likely to read the book, and even without having seen the film yet, the book is better. It has to be, because it’s so good.

You can read the film review HERE but I’m pretty sure this is one that’s going to garner a lot of attention.

The story is based on facts which makes its impact all the more devastating.

Trust me on this. Read the book now.