Moments With Baxter

May you find some comfort

My friend, Tom Pagnotti, first made me aware of Baxter and his extraordinary story a few weeks ago. I was out of the country on business, got even busier when I returned, and didn’t share this earlier, when I meant to.

Baxter died last Friday, October 16. He was almost 20 years old.

Hopefully, Baxter is now in a place where he can run again, play until he plops down for a nap, then dream about all of us here, left behind, who love him so.

As Will Rogers once said, “If dogs don’t go to heaven, I want to go where they go when I die.”


Hospice is a wonderful organization in most cities, and if a crippled, old dog can provide some comfort, maybe you and I should consider volunteering too. Even one day a month.

As Baxter proved, all we have to do is accept and love.

I guess God takes care of the rest…