And we can!
We watch tens of thousands of ordinary people, families just like ours, struggle to find safety and hope away from the slaughter and war in Syria and Iraq.
Desperate, exhausted parents with infants and toddlers, pushed to their limits, risking their lives in over-crowded boats because they have no other choice. They will surely die if they stay where they are.
As it is, many die every day hoping to make it to Europe, far away from ISIS and Assad and war.
How can we pretend we don’t know when we see their stories every day?
How can we do nothing after seeing this?
If you are moved to help, here are some choices:
Doctors Without Borders is operating 3 rescue ships in the Mediterranean right now.
The UN Refugee Agency provides cash for medicine and food, stoves and fuel for heating, tents, blankets, and winter clothing for families who have made it out of Syria.
Save The Children provides food directly to families within refugee camps throughout Turkey and Europe.
Read this story of a young American entrepreneur who realized he could do something right now to help and did THIS.
You can call the offices of your elected Congressional reprsentatives and ask them to deliver the message that the US must do something to help right now. Surely, we have the means to offer permanent shelter to some of these families.
Let’s care enough to actually feel something because that will compel us to actually do something.
We can give up a Starbucks or fantasy football bet or two and a little bit of our time and at least try, can’t we?