Hooked On A Feeling


I’m a fan of The Story of Telling.

And I am a huge believer in the insights she brought to this post:

See all those people whipping out their smart phones as soon as they stop at a red light, or when they miss the bus, or are standing next to another real live person in the queue for the group exercise class at 5:30am?”

“They’re not avoiding boredom, they’re searching — but not for information or laughs or updates — they are searching for a feeling. They want to go to the place that gives them that feeling.”

“We want places to go and places to be. Places to kill time — or, more likely, places that make us feel a little less lonely in the moment. Places to learn. Places to share. Places that make us feel safe, or smart, or connected, or funny, or hopeful for the future.”

“But most of all, I think we want places to belong and places where we feel like we matter.”

“Those places used to be our family homes, our dinner tables at 6pm, or football games with friends on Saturday afternoons. Increasingly, they are digital spaces that we carefully curate.”

“So whatever you’re building, think beyond features, functionality and design and think first about how your user wants to feel when s/he arrives at the place you’ve built.”

I could not have said it better myself.

How do you want your listeners to feel right now?

Radio has always been a companion, but ironically, the less you talk, the less connected human beings feel.

How is liner-radio a cure for loneliness? How does that make you feel smarter, or provide you with something so fun or so compelling, you want to share it with all your friends?

How does the non-musical content on your station show your listeners that they matter?