Do Purpose

The why behind the what

The very best brands, worldwide, understand they need to help us feel something positive, something about ourselves and our place in the world.

They are open enough, vulnerable enough, to risk contempt and failure by stating their intentions, right up front for all to see, for all to target.

There hasn’t been a better time for a purpose-driven Radio company than there is right now, because the largest Radio companies’ only purpose is enriching a few people at the very top of the food chain.

They’ve never understood that profit is a by-product, even though examples surround us…

Unbound: David Hieatt – Do Purpose from tinderfarm on Vimeo.

Our purpose is touching lives, changing lives for the better.

Our purpose is service in the most altruistic meanings of the word. It is sharing the burdens of our local community, lifting up when a hand is needed, spotlighting each act of courage and transformation.

Someone with access to money will understand this and light the flame that will attract all the rest of us.

Radio will find its purpose again because it must.