Delivering Happiness

The Zappo’s way

I’ve written before about Zappos, the online shoe company that has taken customer service to a whole new level.

It’s more than just free postage both ways and a friendly presence on the phone.

Here’s what Zappos founder and CEO, Tony Hsieh says about his company’s customer service philosophy:

We don’t have scripts, because we want our reps to let their true personalities shine during every phone call, so that they can develop a personal emotional connection with each customer, which we refer to as PEC. When one of our reps found out that because of a death in the family, a loyal customer had forgotten to mail back a pair of shoes she’d planned to return, the rep sent her flowers; now she’s a customer for life.

If you’re really serious about creating remarkable service throughout your station or organization, I suggest you buy, and read, Tony’s book: Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose.