Can You Do This?


I ask because all of the very best air talent I’ve heard around the world has this talent, this gift:

One must be two persons when one writes… The great problem is to translate what one feels into what one wants others to feel. We call a writer ‘bad’ when he expresses himself in reference to an inner context we cannot know. The mediocre writer is thus led to say anything he pleases.

That’s the French philosopher Albert CAMUS and changing his insight just a bit leads us to:

“One must be two persons when one speaks on the radio… The great problem is to translate what one feels into what one wants others to feel. We call on-air talent ‘bad’ when they express themselves in reference to an inner context the listeners cannot know. The mediocre air talent is thus led to say anything s/he pleases.”

You’ve been placed on this huge stage today with a microphone powerful enough to reach literally millions of ears.

What are you going to do with that opportunity?

Tell me you play the best music?

Brag about your station’s variety?

Will you have even one attempt at making an emotional connection with your listeners?

Please, someone, surprise me.