What is our responsibility as a human being?
Who is responsible for the person you are today?
Not just your life, but your soul, your being, all the things that make you uniquely you?
“The problem, of course, is that we are not the authors of ourselves.
That we are not is a religious perception, but it is also a biological and a social one.
Each of us has had many authors, and each of us is engaged, for better or worse, in that same authorship.
We could say that the human race is a great co-authorship in which we are collaborating with God and nature in the making of ourselves and one another.
From this there is no escape.
We may collaborate either well or poorly, or we may refuse to collaborate, but even to refuse to collaborate is to exert an influence and to affect the quality of the product.
This is only a way of saying that by ourselves we have no meaning and no dignity; by ourselves we are outside the human definition, outside our identity.“
~ Wendell Berry