It was a tenuous time in our country, and around the world:
Fascism had raised its fearsome head in Europe.
Racism and anti-Semitism were rampant and openly displayed in America.
Tens of millions – over 25% of Americans – out of work with no prospects of finding any.
This was before Social Security, before Unemployment Insurance.
One day you had a job, the next you didn’t, and no one seemed to care.
Banks had collapsed, taking personal savings with it.
Optimism was in short supply.
“Will he race?
No, not that one.
So, why are you fixing him?
Because I can.”
America could not be more different today than it was when Seabiscuit ran but you wouldn’t know it from listening to the ‘doom and gloomers.’
We have an economy that is the best in the world.
Most of us have enough – many, more than enough – enough to share with those who are still falling through the cracks.
FDR not only saved our nation; he – and our nation’s citizens – ended up saving the world.
So, how much of who you’ve become in your life do you owe to someone who believed in you at that critical time, when you were beginning to lose belief in yourself?
Maybe your confidence is at an ebb right now.
Maybe you’ve been mismanaged, mishandled, overlooked, told you aren’t good enough…
Maybe you need that one set of ears, that one extra ounce of support to remind you that you are so much more than the world has seen and heard.
Maybe you are the person with the hope, the steady conviction, and you know of someone who needs, really needs, to borrow some of yours.
A dose of empathy without judgment.
A dose of belief and confidence…
“You know, you don’t throw a whole life away just because he’s banged up a little.”
(That first conversation between Tom and Charles Howard in Seabiscuit.)
Why should you help?
Because you can!