Your job has changed. Our business has changed. And it’s time to change the way you think of listeners, and the ways they think of you.
I believe the content that comes between songs on your station is as important as the music.
I believe in talent.
I believe it’s possible to create content so compelling, so true to your listener’s lives, that it will forge an emotional bond not easily broken.
I don’t want to work with just any station and you don’t want just any consultant.
We both want to believe that radio is still the most intimate media we all use. That never changed!
I want to work with people who fight complacency and mediocrity.
I want to work with the bold, the gifted, the committed – the ones who feel radio is their calling.
I want to work with people who want to run great radio stations, stations listeners are talking about 25 years from now.
There is a different way to reach your goals.
There is a way to higher ratings and revenue that you probably haven’t tried because most consultants and programmers fear it. I know this because I’ve been proving it for a couple of decades now, in cities of all sizes all over the world.
If you’re content to let things stand as they are, to believe that freshening liners twice a year will make your station unforgettable, I’m not the guy for you. But if you feel that drive to make your station something bigger, something more, let’s talk.
Because I know — together — we can make your station great again.