I won’t lie to you: This is difficult to watch.
It’s raw with emotion. It leaves the speaker more vulnerable than most of us would dare be in a room full of strangers.
But I hope we know each other well enough by now that when I ask you to watch, to take 25 minutes of your busy, multi-tasking life today, turn off your phone, close your iPad, remove all distractions and just watch, you’ll trust me and do it.
I’ve told you before that we of an older generation do not need to worry about Millenials. This proves it.
Now, maybe you can share this with your audience, from your stage, and let it ripple out around the world.
And maybe you can find space within your budget to support her, HERE.
And by doing this: Now you can help contribute every time you shop! With the Amazon Smile program, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to us, once you select BlinkNow as your charitable organization of choice.
And, finally, maybe you can be inspired by her courage and vulnerability, and challenge yourself to make a real difference in one single life today.
One single life.
And then try again tomorrow.
Make your talent count for something more than just ratings and rankings.
Will you do that? Will you try? Will you care?
“I realized that love is the thing in life that can cause you the most horrific, terrible pain — but it is also the only thing on the planet that can heal you.”