Our Planet

Only on Netflix


and it begins streaming today:

The visual images are stunning. We’ve seen similar ones frequently on BBC America. But while the narrator is familiar, the message is new:

Repeatedly, unambiguously, and urgently, Our Planet reminds its viewers that the wonders they are witnessing are imperiled by human action.”

“After meeting the endearing orangutans Louie, Eden, and Pluto, we are told that 100 of these apes die every week through human activity. We see Borneo’s jungle transforming into oil-palm monocultures in a time-lapse shot that is almost painful to watch. We’re told that Louie and Eden’s generation could be the last for wild orangutans.”

“That’s not to say that Our Planet is a dour, finger-wagging downer—far from it. Most of the series is still joyful, but it is never allowed to be naively so.”

“There is optimism, too. Amid doom-laden warnings, the documentary highlights success stories in which conservation measures have allowed species to start bouncing back. When we watch five cheetah siblings do their best lion impressions and cooperatively bring down a wildebeest, Attenborough tells us that we get to enjoy such dramas only because the Serengeti has been protected for decades. And in a sequence of unexpected poignancy, wild horses, foxes, and wolves are seen thriving among the ruins of Chernobyl, the radiation a minor inconvenience compared with the boon of human absence. ‘In driving us out, the radiation has created space for wildlife to return,’ Attenborough says.
(All quotes from an article about the film in The Atlantic by Ed Yong)